See also Autism Provision by NHS Primary Care Trust 2012.

Dear Sarah




Thank you for your recent request for information.  Please see our responses highlighted below:


1. How many adults you have with a diagnosis of autistic spectrum disorder (any, although if there are separate statistics for Asperger’s, HFA, LFA, they would be appreciated) in your area; We do not collect the information in this way, therefore we cannot give numbers


2. How many children; We do not collect the information in this way, therefore we cannot give numbers


3. What diagnostic services are available to a) adults and b) children; Work is currently underway to formalise the clinical pathways for both adults and children.


4. What agencies or teams you have that work with autistic people, provide support/services, strategise, etc. For adults with more severe needs, there is access to the CLDT (community learning disability team) and to the CATT (community access and treatment team). There is also some third sector input from NORSACA. For children, there is input from the local authority educational psychology service.


5. An email address/website for each of these agencies or teams where possible. We don’t hold this information


6. What the typical process should be for an adult in your area first asking their GP for an assessment for autistic spectrum disorder to receiving a diagnosis/support. Until the pathway is in place, (see Q3 above), each patient is dealt with on an individual basis.


I trust this fulfils your requirements.


Kind regards




Sarah Beard

Engagement and Assurance Officer

NHS Bassetlaw

Retford Hospital